3 Packaging Change Case Studies
As consumers, we use products on a daily basis without putting much thought into how they were packaged. However, the number of goods we consume is only rising. As such, the packaging industry continues to become more and more inventive in how they get things ready for purchase – both from a presentation and productivity standpoint. The industry does this through implementing clever packaging revolutions. These can involve timing screws, change parts, metering systems, screw feed systems, clever packaging, and more.
Here are 3 case studies of some noteworthy examples. See how changes in the packaging industry can make all the difference!

Underground Spirits’ Marketing Upgrade Through Packaging Tactics
The way something is packaged can be a marketing statement in and of itself. This is something the Australian brand, Underground Spirits, took advantage of when they updated their brand positioning and identity. This was done through packaging and guidelines for their range of vodka and gin products. The new design utilizes the roots of the brand and emphasizes the science that lies behind their unique products.
After the founder of the brand and Master Distiller Dr. Toby Angstmann patented the brand’s method of filtering in sub-zero temperatures, the company decided to use this unique scientific method as an essential part of their branding and packaging. Their new brand identity features a map of Canberra – where the brand is located – paired with a snowflake shape. This references their cryofiltering process.
The colors used in the branding are inspired by the Australian and Canberran landscape. This reflects their natural and local roots. The smoothness of the metallic paper reflects the smoothness of the product they’re promoting.
The results of these carefully calculated efforts? Stunning. The new branding initiative has resonated well with consumers, creating an accurate reflection of the product within!

Donegal’s Packaging Captures the Nomadic Culture
Kefir is a probiotic drink known for giving its users a real health boost. But what gave this Donegal kefir company a health boost was its new packaging strategy!
More and more probiotic and fermented health drinks are always hitting the shelves. As a result, Donegal – the Ireland-based Nomadic Dairy – knew it was essential that they find a way to stand out in their packaging.
Therefore, they branded their bottles with brightly colored illustrations of the Caucasus Mountains. These mountains represent the place kefir is said to have originated from. The origin story of the company suggests that its roots go all the way back to the Middle East, including having Asian influences. The company now finds itself based in Donegal, Ireland.
This updated identity of the brand captures its nomadic roots. It resembles its world-travel in search of the best flavors and tastes to incorporate into this well-known beverage. It also helps to shape the wider look and feel that comes with the brand. This is because the packaging also features a young boy leading a cow as the mountains encircle the entire base of the label.
The entire image is pulled together by the silver foil lines. These create a flowing effect on the front of the package – a visual representation of the core health benefits the product offers both inside and out. These new additions to the Donegal brand help it stand out in the ever-growing fermented health drink industry.
Arpac Streamlines Packaging Productivity with New Software
Arpac was one of the initial companies to utilize the new robotic palletizing software produced by Yaskawa Motoman. This software was designed to streamline the palletizing process and does so by generating ideal patterns for pallets and enabling robots to be able to palletize a wider range of variations efficiently and quickly.
The results of this new software implementation have been profound. By adding this technological innovation to the packaging process, a company that could before manually palletize on 12 lines chose to order four of the Arbot-LT systems on a trial – a trial that went so well they then chose to order four more!
As you can see, there is potential for incredible things to be done in the packaging industry! Get in touch with us today for a free quote to get started and see what big packaging revolutions can be done for you!